Labels:book | crt screen | daily | dog | person | reckoner | sky | windowpane OCR: Local galaxy group The majoriry of galaxies! form groups held together by gravity Sone groups ae really gargantan in size. e.2. groups in virgo and Berenice's Hair constetlations thousands of galaxies stretelied over surme 20 imillion light yeirs Smaller galaxy groups do exist, an example our own galaxy the Milky Way This group called Local Group comprises some 0 galaxies stretched some million light years. The nost fancus galaxies of the Local Group are Milky Why Androneda, arud M33 galaxy ir the I'riargalom corstell Batirt The groups thenselves form less thick groups, called supergroups. The latter are the greatest ohjecis the Cniverse. streiched hundred millions light ut years The Local in Group 15 pHr in ot the Mrregutar Paiaxie Superg group, the center which located the group Virgo >M ...